Guest Information

Guest Information

Guests of The River Club

If you’ve been invited by a member of The River Club to dine with us, join in an athletic activity, or attend a function at the Club, we are delighted to welcome you. Please kindly see below for details and guidelines regarding your visit.
Guests must be in the presence of the hosting member at all times.

Guest Information

Dress Code

If you are dining with us in The Dining Room:
  • Ladies are required to wear a dress or dress pants
  • Men are required to wear jacket and tie.
If you are dining or joining us in The Bar:
  • Ladies are required to wear a dress or dress pants.
  • Men are required to wear a jacket but no tie.
If you are dining with us in The Pool Lounge:
  • Sports attire (if joining us before or after athletic activity) and smart casual clothing are acceptable.
  • Blue jeans are not permitted anywhere in the Clubhouse.
  • Bathing suits, bare feet, and flip flops are not allowed.

For Private Events, the host may determine the dress code, but denim is not allowed at anytime.

Blue jeans are not permitted anywhere in the Clubhouse at anytime. 


Cell Phones/Technology

  • Phone calls may only be taken in the phone room near the front entrance door or on the dining level Phone/Computer Room.
  • Cell phones may be used for texting, emails, and reading books in The Pool Lounge, Library, Tennis Lounge, Children’s Room, and Locker Rooms.
  • Computers may not be used in any area except the Children’s Room, the dining level Phone/Computer Room, or in our overnight rooms.
  • All devices, only where permitted, must be in silent mode or connected with headphones.

Social Media Policy

The River Club is a private club and Members value their privacy.

  • Members and guests must refrain from the use of cell phones to take photos for online or public distribution.
  • Photos or videos of individuals and families may be taken at the Club. However, photos that are posted should not include any recognizable Club logos, or structures, or include Members and guests without their express permission.
  • Mention of the Club should not be posted or shared on any type of social media site or otherwise made public.
  • No photographs or other material may be released to the press.
  • Members and guests are asked to use their discretion in posting photographs involving the Club on social media websites; in no cases may photos of other Members or their families be posted nor may the Club be tagged or identified.
  • For special circumstances, the Club requires prior permission from the Board or the General Manager. If the Board gives permission, the Board may impose limitations on the use of the depiction, including on textual descriptions accompanying the depiction.